About Us
"Remember this is - and always will be a Spiritual Camp. Hold fast to this truth and say to those who would have it something else...the world is wide...so go your way, we would have no new Gods placed upon the altar.
Spiritualism is enthroned in this camp and outside issues must be kept to their own realm...guests to be entertained but not allowed to monopolize or overthrow the camp."
Marion Skidmore, 1894

What is the Lily Dale Assembly?
We are an international member organization and residential community comprised of persons who practice the faith of Spiritualism. Spiritualism is an active faith guided by a set of principles. This faith is applied through prayer, meditation, healing, and mediumship. We have members from across the globe who can participate and contribute to our organization through education, service, active participation, contemplation, or as donors. Our community and its organization is governed by a set of Bylaws and Rules and Regulations.
Lily Dale Assembly members can be residents, volunteers, summer program participants and, as members, have a right to vote at our annual meeting. Our Lily Dale Assembly members are ambassadors of Lily Dale and the religion of Spiritualism within their own communities.

Would You Like to Own a House in Lily Dale?
Lily Dale is a quiet, close-knit community with approximately 169 leaseholds located in a 3-mile walking radius. We are surrounded by 144 acres of “registered old growth forest,” adjacent to the Cassadaga Lakes Region. A resident may walk the woodland trails, kayak, fish or swim at our beach. There are several year round churches, Healing Temple Wednesday night service, working committees, home circles, monthly Sunday Brunch and daily gatherings at our Post Office. Our community is a fun and festive place to dwell in our summer camp season. There are endless possibilities to engage in the active faith of Spiritualism. A resident can be as active or as quiet and serene as you want to be.
Please Note: Purchasing a home in Lily Dale is not a typical real estate transaction. DO NOT make any agreements, verbal or in writing, before obtaining Lily Dale Assembly approval to purchase. Mortgages cannot be obtained to purchase Lily Dale property.
Home Ownership Process
You must be a member in good standing of Lily Dale Assembly. For details on how to become a member, please see below.
Obtain an application from the Lily Dale Assembly office to purchase a leasehold.
Complete and return the leasehold purchase application with applicable fee to the Lily Dale Assembly office. Your application will then be presented to the Lily Dale Board of Directors for approval.
You may only own two (2) leaseholds at one time. If you should inherit a third leasehold, you must put one up for sale within (30) days.
A homeowner/ leaseholder will be responsible for paying an annual assessment to Lily Dale Assembly and yearly property taxes to the town of Pomfret.
Would You Like to Join the Lily Dale Assembly?
As a member of the largest Spiritualist community in the world, you will be a welcomed part of our community. We encourage each member to attend our year-round church and Healing Temple services. You may also want to participate with our many hands-on volunteer committees and community organizations. All are invited to join one of our many development circles. A member may participate in or sponsor a fundraiser to support the organizational endeavor dear to their own heart. There are many opportunities for our members to participate in our summer program. And each member may attend our annual meeting to become more fully informed and cast a vote on current and projected goals for the future of Lily Dale Assembly. The participation of our members is the cornerstone of our foundation.
Membership Process
You must be a member in good standing of a recognized Spiritualist church for one year prior to applying for membership in Lily Dale Assembly.
A copy of your current church card must be received in the office before the membership application may be given out.
An application may be obtained through the Lily Dale Assembly office.
The application must be filled out and returned to the Lily Dale Assembly office with the appropriate fees: $175.00 application fee + $100.00 first year’s dues = $275.00.
It is your responsibility to provide all of the required information and letters of reference with your application. Family members cannot be accepted as references or recommendations.
You then need to make an appointment with the Lily Dale Assembly office, during normal business hours, to read the Rules and Regulations and the Bylaws. Please allow at least one hour to read this information.
Next, you request to meet with the Lily Dale Board of Directors to discuss your intentions and interest in becoming a Lily Dale Assembly Member.
You will be notified promptly of the Lily Dale Assembly Board of Director’s decision regarding your acceptance.