2025 Children & Teens Week
Sunday, July 20 - Friday, July 25
$15 suggested donation/participant/class
All classes will be at the Lyceum
The Talent Show is in the Auditorium and the Beach Party is at the Lily Dale beach
Sunday, July 20
10:30 am Healing Temple with our Future Healers – with Barbara Sanson
Learn about the power of healing. Children need to wear black trousers or skirts, a white shirt, closed-toed shoes, and be at least 8 years old. Younger children can watch with parental guidance. (Healing Temple – ages 8 & up)
2:30 pm Working with Crystals
Find out about the energy of specific crystals and how to use that energy
every day. (Lyceum – all ages)
4:00 pm Stand Like a Lion, Shake Like a Dog! - Elizabeth Ferrall
Enjoy a fun, active session running, sliding, slithering and shaking to
understand your own energy. (Lyceum- all ages)
7:00 pm Teen Session – Sound & Music – Jake Kennedy & Rev. Deb Faylo
Join in and learn about sound and music, different instruments for sound baths, and how to play the different instruments. Teens will be able to play some of the instruments to feel the power of the vibrations. (Lyceum- ages 12 & up)
Monday, July 21
10:30 am Discover Your Animal Spirit Guide – Rev. Joanne Copley-Nigro
Animals are our teachers. All animals can be our teachers, guides or totem animals and all have messages of inspiration. (Lyceum – all ages)
1:30 - 3:30 pm Make Your Own Children’s Program T-shirt
Make your 2025 Children’s Week t-shirt with silk-screen, paint, plants & bleach! Come any time during the listed time as each shirt takes time to make. T-shirts and all supplies will be provided.
(Cost $15 per t-shirt.) (Lyceum – everyone invited)
2:30 pm Creative JOURNALING – Karen Harwood
Write and draw from your heart as you explore your personal thoughts and
feelings using nature as a guide. Writing supplies & journals will be provided. (Lyceum and trails – all ages)
4:00 pm Talent show rehearsals (Lyceum)
7:00 pm Flower Readings and Ribbons – Stacy Schuerman Kopchinski
Learning mediumship with flower readings and ribbons. (Lyceum – all ages)
Tuesday, July 22
10:30 am Mediumship and You
The power of mediumship is in all of us – learn what that means and how to
tap into your own abilities. (Lyceum – all ages)
2:30 pm Memory Gems & Your Connection to Spirit – Barry Gasaway
Find your special connection to Spirit as we have fun with memory gems
and other ways to make a special connection. (Lyceum – all ages)
4:00 pm Talent show rehearsals (Lyceum)
7:00 pm Teen Ceremony – Connecting to Your Guardian Spirit – Grandmother Spider
Connect with your Guardian Spirit as we dance the path of the Medicine
Wheel. (Beach campfire – ages 12 & up)
Wednesday, July 23
10:30 am Fairies and Lore - Faylo Kennedy
Explore the lore of fairies and ways to get acquainted with them. (Lyceum &
fairy trail – all ages)
2:30 pm Messages at the Stump
Deliver messages at the Stump in ways you have learned this week. (Stump
– all ages)
4:00 pm Talent show rehearsals (Lyceum)
4:30 pm Beach Party & Campfire
Fun and food at the beach! Come and swim, play, eat and enjoy an evening
campfire. Bring your musical instruments for the campfire if you play one!
(Beach – all ages with parents too!)
Thursday, July 24
10:30 am Sound and Music – Jake Kennedy & Rev. Deb Faylo
Learn about the music of sound healing and bring your own instruments to
play along. (Lyceum – all ages)
2:30 pm Children & Teen Service
All teens and children service – everyone can take part. (Lyceum – all ages)
4:30 pm Talent Show
Enjoy the wonderful talents of our children as they perform for everyone.
All are invited to this free show – cupcakes after the show (donations accepted).
(Auditorium – all ages - families and residents invited!)
7:00 pm Teen Session – Astrology for Every Day
Learn the basics of understanding astrology for use in everyday life.
(Lyceum – ages 12 & up)
Friday, July 25
10:30 am Greet the Sky, Touch the Earth - Grandmother Spider
We will be doing a morning ceremony recognizing the gifts given to us by
Mother Earth and Father Sky. Everyone will participate in the ceremony which also includes Medicine Wheel teachings. (Lyceum – all ages)
2:30 pm Sweat Lodge – Weather permitting
Join us for a sweat lodge ceremony. Younger children may go first for a
short session, and teens will follow. (Beach – dress for the sweat lodge & remove all jewelry)
6:30 pm Ice Cream Social, Music and Fun
Join us as we celebrate the closing of another great Children & Teen Week at
Lily Dale. Ice cream, treats, music and mayhem. (Lyceum – all ages)