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Healing From What’s In Your Heart and Mind: Transforming Thought Forms and Other Auric Obstructions with Chris DeSerio

Tue, May 06


Via Zoom

Healing From What’s In Your Heart and Mind: Transforming Thought Forms and Other Auric Obstructions with Chris DeSerio
Healing From What’s In Your Heart and Mind: Transforming Thought Forms and Other Auric Obstructions with Chris DeSerio

Time & Location

May 06, 2025, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Via Zoom

About the Event

Session Description: Many times people can feel rundown and plagued with issues that they seem unable to shake that affect them emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.  Despite repeated efforts in form of promises to themselves or others, reading and practicing self-help material, looking after their health better, or engaging in routines of energetic hygiene (e.g., grounding, chakra balancing, and the ilk), nothing makes for a significant and consistent shift.  Somewhat bewildering, and without the proper identification of the presence of these negative phenomena, a gap's left in terms of the ability to receive, preserve, and strengthen any healing.  This workshop will provide a process in which to recognize when such forces are at play and strategize for immediate and long-term, positive change.  While the focus will be more so in working on others, a lot of what’ll be covered can be adapted for self-work too. 

Presenter Bio: For over 25…


  • Healing From What’s In Your

    Sale ends: May 06, 10:00 AM



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