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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the gate pass fee and how much is it?There is a charge for each person who enters Lily Dale during the summer season, which runs from June 23 to September 2, 2023. There are multiple types of gate passes that can be purchased: A 24-hour pass: $15:00 per person A 3-day pass: $40.00 per person A 7-day pass: $100.00 per person Season pass: $300.00 per person Evening pass: $10.00 per person (valid 6:00 pm to 12:00 midnight) The gate pass is waived for the following individuals: Senior citizens over the age of 80 (requires ID) Active U.S. military personnel (requires ID) Children and teens age 17 and under Additionally, the gate fee is waived for Sunday morning church services (until 1:00 pm). There no refunds for gate pass fees. Please visit the Gate Fee page for detailed information and to purchase gate passes online.
When are gate pass fees required?Gate pass fees are in effect daily between Friday, June 23, 2023 (beginning at 12:00 noon) and Sunday September 2, 2023 (ending at 12:00 noon). Note: The gate pass fee is waived every Sunday morning for church services (until 1:00 pm).
Where can I purchase a gate pass?Gate Passes can be purchased at the Lily Dale entry gate or in advance online. LDA accepts cash, debit cards, & credit cards.
What does the gate pass fee cover?The gate pass fee assists Lily Dale in maintaining its historic buildings and in repairing the hamlet's aging infrastructure. Additionally, the fee includes parking and the Lily Dale activities and attractions listed below: Daily Activities 8:30 am Meditation in the Healing Temple 11:30 am Welcome Video in the Marion H. Skidmore Library (excluding Sunday) 1:00 pm Inspiration Stump Message Service 2:30 pm Worship Service in the Auditorium 4:00 pm Forest Temple Message Service (excluding Sundays) 5:30 pm Inspiration Stump Message Service Weekly and Bi-weekly Activities 10:30 am Sunday Auditorium Service 7:00 pm Thought Exchange in the Octagon (Wednesday & Saturday) 10:30 am & 7:00 pm Healing Temple Services Attractions The Lily Dale Beach Leolyn Woods The Fairy Trail The Labrynth
What happens if a multi-day or season gate pass is misplaced or lost?LDA cannot be responsible for lost or misplaced multi-day or season gate passes. Unfortunately, new passes would need to be purchased.
Can I get a refund on my gate fee?Unfortunately, LDA cannot refund gate pass fees.
If I decide to drive by car, where do I park while visiting?Parking areas are clearly marked throughout the hamlet of Lily Dale. There is no parking on the streets or berms in front of houses as this causes a driving hazard on our narrow streets. Please follow signs to designated parking areas. All stop signs, parking regulations, and posted speed limits must be obeyed. The speed limit throughout Lily Dale is 5 MPH. Because there are so many pedestrians on our roads, we urge you to drive with the utmost of caution at all times. Pedestrians always have the right of way in Lily Dale.
Can I drive my motorcycle in Lily Dale?Motorcycles and motorbikes are not permitted on Lily Dale grounds, however, you may park your motorcycle or motorbike at the gate entrance.
How can I donate to Lily Dale?Thank you for considering a donation to Lily Dale Assembly, Inc, a 501(c)(3) religious corporation in New York. All donations are tax-deductible. You can donate in several ways: 1. Click the “Donate” button at the top or bottom of our homepage to visit our Donation Page. 2. Mail a check to: Lily Dale Assembly, Inc. PO Box 248 Lily Dale, NY 14752-0248 (Please include your email address for tax purposes). 3. Visit our office in-person at 5 Melrose Place, Lily Dale, NY 14752. Cash donations are also welcome!
Are alcoholic beverages allowed in Lily Dale?The sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages and illegal recreational drugs are not permitted on the grounds of Lily Dale.
Is smoking permitted in Lily Dale?There is no smoking, vaping or use of candles and/or incense in Lily Dale buildings, at the playground, or during outdoor events and services where crowds of people are gathered. Cigarette disposal receptacles are located throughout Lily Dale for your convenience. Regarding Marijuana It is now legal for adults 21 and older to possess up to three ounces of cannabis and up to 24 grams of concentrated cannabis for personal use in New York state. Adults may smoke or vape cannabis wherever smoking tobacco is allowed under the smoke-free air laws, with a few exceptions.
What are the rules around using cell phones?Cellphone use is prohibited during events, workshops, and services. However, cellphones are permitted at other times. To uphold the wholeness of your Lily Dale experience and to support the restful quality of our community, we ask you to keep your voices down when speaking on cellphones in our public, outdoor areas. If you must speak on your cellphone, please do so outdoors in a quiet area. Please be mindful of how your behavior might adversely infringe upon the peaceful experience of others.
Can I record or take pictures during an event or workshop?Photography and recording (audio or visual) of Lily dale Events, workshops, or services is prohibited unlesss otherwise permitted in writing by the LDA Board of Trustees.
Are pets allowed to visit Lily Dale?In general, pets are not allowed in Lily Dale's public buildings and/or at outdoor services. If you arrive with a pet, do not leave your animal unattended in your vehicle. NOTE: Registered service dogs are allowed in our public buildings and/or at outdoor services.
Does Lily Dale provide recycling and conservation services?Lily Dale strives to recycle and conserve resources whenever possible. Please use the recycling containers conveniently located throughout the community. We kindly ask you to dispose of all other waste in designated trash cans. Please do your utmost to conserve water and turn off lights and air conditioners when not in use.
Are children allowed in Lily Dale?Lily Dale is dedicated in providing a welcoming environment that encourages children to grow within Spiritualism. All children and teens should be directly supervised by a responsible adult and should never be left unattended. Furthermore, Lily Dale has a curfew (11:00 pm to 6:00 am) for younger residents under the age of 18 and for non-residents under the age of 21. This curfew includes all public places, including public streets, parks, playgrounds, buildings, vacant lots, or any other place open to the public on the grounds of the Lily Dale.
What is the best way to dress for a visit?We suggest you dress comfortably and check the local weather report before you leave for your visit. Good walking shoes are highly recommended since you'll be doing a lot of walking throughout the village. Appropriate attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all times. Though Lily Dale is a casual, family-oriented environment, we ask you kindly to use discretion and common sense when choosing appropriate attire out of respect for the sacredness of our grounds and the spiritual nature of our environment, . Healers and visiting medium have specific dress requirements (please contact chairpersons for details).
Do you have Wi-Fi in Lily Dale?Free Wi-Fi is available in the Maplewood Hotel lobby and in some of our cafes, restaurants, stores, and/or guest houses. Availability and access may be limited.
Is there a Lost & Found?If you think you left something behind, contact the Maplewood Hotel at (716) 595-8721 extension 6006 for lost items. The hotel is open 24 hours between June 23 and September 2, 2023.
While visiting Lily Dale, I have heard a bell ring before events or services. What does this mean?In the event of inclement weather, a church bell will ring to indicate that the impending outdoor service will be held indoors. Most of the time, outdoor services are moved to the auditorium. The siren that goes off occasionally is a call to our volunteer fire company. and EMS personnel.
Where do I park when I come to Lily Dale and do I need to pay?Parking is all free in designated spaces throughout the grounds. Please do not park in private driveways or on the sides of our narrow streets.
How do I get to Lily Dale?Google Maps will get you here if you type in 5 Melrose Place Lily Dale, NY 14752 Lily Dale is located in southwestern New York State, an hour south of Buffalo, two hours south of Toronto, three hours north of Pittsburgh, and three hours east of Cleveland. From I-90 (New York StateThruway), take exit 59 to NY Route 60 south. Drive eight miles and turn right onto Dale Drive in the Village of Cassadaga. Proceed one mile to the Lily Dale gate. Lily Dale is serviced by Chautauqua County Airport in Jamestown, NY and by Buffalo/Niagara International Airport. There are bus lines that connect both Erie, PA, and Buffalo, NY to Cassadaga, NY. Lily Dale Assembly is located about 30 minutes from the Chautauqua Institution.
I see you offer Spiritual Healing in Lily Dale, what is it?Spiritual Healing services take place twice a day at the Healing Temple. The Healing Temple is a place of peace, for all those who come to renew their energies through laying-on-of-hands, prayers, or quiet meditation. Our visitors may request a laying-on-of-hands or for the healer to work off the body in the energy field. It is prohibited to conduct healings in our public buildings or on the grounds of Lily Dale.
Can I book an appointment for Spiritual Healing?At this time, you cannot. However, the seated order at the Healing Temple is determined by the time of your arrival. If you have a workshop or a personal appointment please let the usher know and she/he will try to assist you.
How do I prepare for a Spiritual Healing?Before receiving, ask God’s healing energy to remove all obstacles from your path so you may receive. When you receive a healing, relax and enjoy the experience. Place your feet on the floor, your hands in your lap, with palms turned upward. Breathe in and out slowly several deep breaths and gently close your eyes.
How many times can I receive Spiritual Healing per service?You may receive one per service.
Is there a fee to enter the Healing Temple and receive a Spiritual Healing?There is no cost to visit the Healing Temple. Donations are gratefully accepted.
What is the etiquette at the Healing Temple during a service?There is a sacredness to the energy of the Temple that many people feel just walking through the doors. Therefore, we ask for our visitors to be respectful by remaining quiet prior and during the service. Cell phones must be turned off and recordings are prohibited unless you have prior permission from the Assembly. In respectfulness of the Temple, our healers and guests, we may ask you to wear a prayer shawl during a healing. This is your personal time to relax and to receive!
I’m interested in serving as a healer during the Healing Services, who should I contact?Please contact Rev. Joanne Copley-Nigro at (716) 200-3283.
What is mediumship?Mediumship is a spiritual practice where a Medium provides information and guidance from a spirit loved one who has crossed over to the spirit side of life. It involves connecting with the spirit world to deliver messages and insights to the living.
How can I receive a mediumship reading in Lily Dale?You can be the recipient of a reading if you book an appointment with one of our Registered Mediums and/or by being selected from the audience during a Public Message Service. Only Registered Mediums are allowed to conduct private consultations in Lily Dale.
What is a Registered Medium?A Lily Dale Registered Medium is a person who has been tested by the Lily Dale Assembly and demonstrates their ability to connect to the spirit world giving consistent evidence. Only Registered Mediums are allowed to conduct private consultations on our grounds. All of our Registered Mediums are listed on the "Find A Medium" page.
What is a “Public Demonstration” or “Message Service”?Demonstrations of mediumship are also called message services. They are included in the gate fee, and you can join us three times a day at the Stump and the Forest Temple for these religious services. Registered Mediums as well as guest mediums will demonstrate the continuity of life to members of the audience.
I need help scheduling a reading with a Registered Medium. What should I do?You can visit the "Find A Medium" page on this site to find a list of our Registered Mediums. It is recommended that you visit the individual web sites of our Registered Mediums or contact them individually. We encourage all visitors to make an appointment ahead of their visit to ascertain availability. Please, do not call our main office for recommendations.
Is there a fee for private readings with a Registered Medium?Each Registered Medium sets their appointments and fees. Feel free to inquire about the length of time and if recording is permitted or available before scheduling your reading. Please, contact each Register Medium for more information. You can find their contact information on the "Find A Medium" page.
How do I prepare for a reading?Come to the session with a positive and open attitude. It elevates your connection. Arrive promptly as most mediums prepare themselves by quiet time and meditation prior to an appointment. Please, see the bottom of the "Find A Medium" page for suggestions/recommendations during a reading.
Can I get tarot & astrology readings?No, tarot and astrology readings are not available.
What do I do if I am unhappy with a reading?Let the medium know during the reading if you understand or if you need more clarity. Infrequently, a medium will know that a contact has not been made and will stop the reading. True success is a three-way connection between the medium, client, and spirit.
Is there a limit on how many readings I’m allowed to schedule?No, there is not. It is up to you.
Can I receive a reading even if I cannot come to Lily Dale?Yes, our Registered Mediums are able to do readings via telephone or digitally. Please, contact our mediums individually to inquire.
How do I serve as a Guest (Visiting) or Student Medium?Visiting and student mediums are invited to serve by contacting the chairperson at the beginning of each service. The chairperson will give you information about the procedure and requirements. Business dress is mandatory.
How do I become a Registered Medium?Please see the information on the "Become A Registered Medium" page or call the office for more information.
Where can I stay while visiting Lily Dale?Staying right in the middle of the magic of Lily Dale is the key to ensuring your visit is carefree and low stress. We offer our guests many options, two hotels (the Maplewood Hotel and the Leolyn Hotel), 7 guest houses, and campgrounds. The Café rooms (on top of The Lily Dale Cafeteria) are also available.
What’s the difference between the Maplewood and Leolyn?Both hotels are rich in Victorian history. The Maplewood Hotel is inside the gates of Lily Dale whereas the Leolyn Hotel is just outside of the gates facing Cassadaga Lakes.
Can I get a roll away or cot at the hotel?There are a number of roll away cots available in selected rooms. These are noted when you book online in the amenities section and in the room type by a ‘+’. Since supplies are limited, it is best to book these at the time of registration and to be sure to pay the $6 fee for the cot as well as any extra people charges.
How are room rates determined at the hotel?For a single room, there are no additional fees possible as only one person fits in each room. For all other rooms, the rate is based on a double occupancy. If you plan to have more than two people (for example in the Double Double room which can sleep 4), you need to pay the $20 per extra person per night fee. If you want to add a cot but plan to only have 2 people in a room (for example in a double room when you do not want to share the bed) the fee is just $6 per night. If you want to add an extra person and a cot, the charge will be $26. Feel free to call the hotel with questions (716)595-8721 extension 6006. Book a hotel room here.
Is the gate fee included in my hotel price?The daily gate fee is $15 per person and is not included in the cost of your room or site. You can purchase one online here.
Where do I check-in for the Leoyln Hotel?For Leolyn check-ins please go to the Maplewood Hotel.
I hear you have many guest houses in Lily Dale, where can I get more information?The real idea behind staying on the Lily Dale grounds is for convenience and our guest houses will also give you more choices. Make sure you can take full advantage of that convenience by also considering them. Our guest houses are all independently owned and vary in size, décor and amenities. Please, visit the Guest Houses page for more information.
Can I bring my RV to your campgrounds?Yes, our campgrounds are available for everyone to enjoy. Our campgrounds and RV Park are located at the top of South Street. In the campgrounds, there are a total of 14 spaces, 7 of these spaces have (ground mounted) 15 Amp outlets. Fees: $22/daily and $134/week. Our RV Park has 4 spaces and the fees are: $30/daily and $184/week. All fees are exclusive of state and county taxes and are subject to change. No open fires are allowed. For more information please see the Campgrounds page.
What do I need to bring if I stay at the campground?Please bring everything you’d bring to camp at any private or public campground, including tents and cooking equipment. If you have an RV site, there are 15 Amp outlets available for hook up.
Do you have shower facilities at the campgrounds?Yes, we have bathroom facilities with showers.
Can I sleep in my vehicle if I have paid the gate fee?No, it is not allowed. Please, seek accommodations in our hotels, guest houses, or campground.
Are the campgrounds open during the off-season?Unfortunately, they are closed after the summer season.
Are there discounts at the hotels for children, seniors or veterans?The Lily Dale hotels do not offer any discounts but they also charge the same price every night throughout the season. However, you might want to check our guest houses. Some of them might provide discounts since they are individually owned. Please, contact each guest house for more information. You can find their contact info on the Guest Houses page.
How can I reserve the picnic facilities?Our picnic area is available for your enjoyment and convenience. Please, make arrangements by calling the Lily Dale office at (716) 595-8721.
What is Lily Dale?Lily Dale is a spiritualist community located in Chautauqua County, NY, on the beautiful shores of Cassadaga Lakes. A large population of mediums and spiritualist healers reside in Lily Dale. Each year approximately 22,000 visitors come for classes, workshops, lectures, public church services and mediumship demonstrations. The 10-week season offers a series of events and experiences to bring information, enlightenment, and hope to those who open their hearts to receive it.
What is the Lily Dale Assembly?The Lily Dale Assembly is a religious non-for-profit corporation, 501(3)(c). The Assembly furthers the understanding of the science, philosophy and religion of Spiritualism. It promotes activities and discussions concerning modern benevolent, charitable, literary, scientific, and civic thoughts for a greater understanding of all humanity.
Is there more than one church in Lily Dale?Yes, as the world’s largest center of the religion of Spiritualism, Lily Dale has 4 churches within our community. Please see their websites linked to on our Communitypage.
When I’m in Lily Dale how do I get Information?During the summer season, our Welcome Center is located just outside the Lily Dale gates in the beautiful Leolyn Hotel. It is operated from 11:00am to 6:00pm with staff and volunteers who are more than pleased to answer your questions. They will try to help you find things, organize your time, and thoroughly enjoy your stay in Lily Dale. After these hours, our staff at the Maplewood Hotel will be able to help you.
How can I become a member of the Lily Dale Assembly?Details of the Lily Dale Assembly membership process can be found here.
Where can Lily Dale Assembly members and residents find the Suggestion Box?The virtual Suggestion Box is located here. Lily Dale Assembly members and residents may use the Suggestion Box to submit ideas, concerns, and issues regarding our community needs to the Lily Dale Board of Directors.
Can I visit Lily Dale outside of the summer season?Yes, Lily Dale is open. There is no gate fee after Labor Day and our beautiful grounds are available for visitors to tour our community.
When is off-season?Our off-season takes place right after Labor Day and before the last Friday of June.
What is there to do during the off-season?While there are a great many exciting things to do during the summer program season at Lily Dale, our community is also a wonderful place to visit during other seasons, too. You can kick through the leaf-laden trails, lit with the brilliant burnt umber of autumn. You can visit in the calm, still winter, or come in the blossoming spring. There are workshops, activities, and services sponsored by the Assembly and our churches throughout the year. But no matter when you choose to come, there’s always plenty of beauty, peace, and activities during the off-season at Lily Dale!
What type of events happen during off-season?During the off-season we offer a handful of online events. Details about these events can be found on the Learn page. Every Wednesday evening there is a Healing and Message Service at the Healing Temple. The service takes place from 7:00 to 8:00pm. The Spiritualist churches in the area share the duties of chairing, providing healers and officiating the service. The service includes a time for inspiration, quiet reflection, hands on healing, and messages to loved ones. A book for healing request and prayer is available. All are welcome to attend. In the case of extreme weather, please check our Facebook page for cancellation. *Please note: At this time the Wednesday evening Healing Temple Service is held online only. You can attened the online Healing Service from 7:00-8:00pm EST on the Lily Dale Assembly, Inc. Facebook page and the Lily Dale Healing Temple Facebook page. These Healing Services will also be recorded and posted to both Facebook pages. Our churches also offer seminars, development circles, and many classes and activities throughout the off-season. Please, visit their websites for more information, they are listed on the Community page.
Where can I stay during off-season?Both hotels are closed after Labor Day. However, some of the guest houses are open. Please check the Guest Houses page for their contact info.
Can I still get a medium’s reading during off-season?Registered Mediums are available for phone readings no matter where you are in the world. There are also many Registered Mediums still in residence throughout the year. We advise you to schedule your appointment before your visit, regardless of the season. Please note that there is a sign at the post office for those Registered Mediums who stay in residence.
How do I receive a catalogue of events?You can request a catalogue by contacting the Lily Dale office or go green and download the PDF version from the Events Catalogue page.
What type of events happen during season?Each day of the season offers a series of events and experiences to bring information, enlightenment, hope and peace through demonstrations of clairvoyance, healing services, and classes on a broad range of subjects related to the development of everyone’s potential.
How do I attend online events?This year we are very excited to begin presenting our events online via Zoom! Workshops: To attend our online workshops a Zoom link will be sent to your email up to an hour before the event. If possible, please enter the Zoom room about 15-20 mins before the class for attendance and instructions. All event times are in Eastern Standard Time. Free Online Events: Wednesday Night Healing Services will be live on the Lily Dale Assembly, Inc. Facebook page and the Lily Dale Healing Temple Facebook page from 7-8pm EST every Wednesday Night. Click hereto visit Lily Dale's Facebook page and hereto visit the Lily Dale Healing Temple's Facebook page.
Where is my Zoom link?A Zoom link will be emailed to you up to an hour before the start time of the online event. If you cannot find your Zoom link please check your email's spam and trash folders.
Are there any free events?Daily Spiritualist services (in the Auditorium), public demonstrations of mediumship, Thought Exchange (held on Wednesday and Saturday nights), daily meditation & healing services at the Healing Temple, are all free events. You can see many of them on the Daily Events page. There is a charge for workshops.
Where can I view recordings of Morning Meditations, Healing Temple Services, and 2:30 Services?You can view recordings of this summer's Morning Meditations, Healing Temple Services, and 2:30 Services on Lily Dale's YouTube Channel and Facebook page. Visit our YouTube Channel [here]( and our Facebook page [here](
How can I propose a workshop for next season?The workshop proposal form for In Person Workshops during our season can be found here. The workshop proposal form for online workshops can be downloaded here: .
How are workshops chosen?The Program Committee meets regularly to determine the needs and themes of each year’s brochure. Each submitted proposal is carefully considered by the committee.
How do I buy a ticket for an event?To purchase a ticket for an event on our website, navigate to the event's page. Scroll to the bottom, select the ticket type and quantity, and click "Checkout". On the next page, enter your details and click "Place Order". You will be redirected to PayPal; you do not need a PayPal account to complete the purchase. If you do not have a PayPal account, click "Pay with Debit or Credit Card" and fill out your details in the PayPal Guest Checkout. After entering your details, click "Continue" to reach the confirmation screen. Your ticket, receipt, and confirmation will be emailed to the address you provided. If you do not see the email, check your spam and trash folders.
Can I buy a ticket for a workshop at the door?If the workshop is not full, tickets may be purchased at the beginning of a workshop or on-line from our website. All ticket pre-sales are made online only until the day of the workshop.
The event I want to go to doesn’t have an early bird price, is there a reason?Only some workshops have early bird discounts. Please see each individual workshop for its policy.
What happens if I register for an event but I am unable to attend?All ticket sales are final. There are no refunds or credits for event and workshop tickets.
Will I get a refund if an event is cancelled?Lily Dale Assembly reserves the right to cancel an event at any time. If we cancel a program and/or event, you will receive a full refund.
Can I pre-register for classes and/or events?Yes, you can. Pre-registration is available on our website, until midnight the day before each workshop. All ticket pre-sales are made online only until the day of the workshop.
What do I show to get into an event if I pre-registered?Your tickets and confirmation receipt (s) will be emailed to you upon receipt of payment whether you register on-line or by phone. Please ensure you enter the correct email address when paying.
What if I forget to bring my ticket with me?When registering for all special events and/or workshops, the registrant’s name will be added to a class list. In order to enter the presentation, each registrant must present the Workshop Coordinator with a valid ID to match the name on the list. Therefore, when registering we are asking you to please enter each participant’s name individually.
Are there events in Lily Dale which are not in the catalogue or on the website?Our churches and community organizations hold events, each can be found on their individual websites linked to from our Community page.
Can I transfer a ticket to another workshop or person?Workshop tickets are not transferable to another workshop. However, they may be given to someone else to attend the purchased workshop in your place. This person MUST have the original ticket that was emailed to you. We will not tolerate ticket touting/sales on the grounds of Lily Dale.
Is the gate fee included in my workshop price?The daily gate fee is $15 per person and is not included in the workshop and/or event fee, unless stated in the workshop description. You can purchase a gate pass here.
Can I pay with personal checks?No, we're sorry but we do not accept personal checks.
I heard you offer “Ghost Tours”, what are they?We do not offer “Ghost Tours”. Lily Dale offers “Ghost Walks” during season. They are not ghost hunts. Our “Spirit Walks” will include a brief overview of Spiritualism, the history of Lily Dale and many of the old “haunts” of Lily Dale. All of our tour guides have a special love for “the Dale” and its history so, no two tours are alike.
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