Special Events 2025

June 6th - June 8th
Mark Thomas and Angela Abt
Friday, 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., Lyceum
Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Lyceum
Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Healing Temple
Experience 3 courses in 1 Weekend Retreat
Whether you are new to developing spiritual gifts, or a seasoned professional, this weekend will take you to new levels of awareness and accomplishment with our synthesis of ancient techniques and modern accelerated learning methods.
For over 38 years this highly experiential retreat has produced the following excellent results for our participants:
Meditation: You will receive meditation instruction designed to deepen your meditative experiences and enhance your intuitive/mediumistic abilities. You will be given a solid foundation needed to enhance and enjoy your meditations.
Spiritual Healing: Learn healing methods for opening your heart and allow divine love and healing to move through you to others.
Intuitive/Mediumistic/Psychic Development: Learn a spiritually centered approach to unfolding and working with your God-given abilities. Witness and learn how to use the naturally occurring processes that professionals use in their intuitive, mediumistic, and psychic work.
Before this weekend is over, you will have first-hand experience of:
Deep meditative states
The joy of being an instrument and receiver of spiritual healing
You will be doing accurate readings for yourself and others
This training stays with you when you go home because: You Do it Yourself.
Mark Thomas, along with his late wife Rev. Elaine Thomas, developed Spiritual Insight Training in 1987. This life changing program has been the foundation of their teaching for over 35 years. In 1988, Elaine and Mark founded Fellowships of the Spirit and its School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy. This continuously operating School has been an international leader in educating mediums and spiritual healers as well as providing tools for intuitive development for thousands of students since its inception.
Angela Abt, a Registered Lily Dale Medium in Lily Dale, NY, and the Associate Director of our School of Healing and Prophecy. Angie is a 2002 graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit’s School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy. She received her degree in Human Services with a concentration in Counseling and Psychology in 2005. A practicing medium for over 30 years, Angie currently has her own thriving mediumship and spiritual counseling practice located in Buffalo, NY, where for the past 17 years she has taught meditation and intuitive development.

July 4th & July 5th
Get ready for 2 days of FREE gate entry exclusively for Chautauqua County Residents and Lily Dale Assembly members. Experience the magic of Lily Dale as you immerse yourself in our outdoor services, connect with gifted Registered Mediums and soak in the incredible energy that surrounds our spiritual community. You must show ID showing Proof of Chautauqua County resident or current Lily Dale Assembly membership card at the gate for free entry.

Sunday, June 15th
It has been a Lily Dale tradition to hold a Community Church Service in the Auditorium on the Sunday before our summer season begins. This service is conducted by Lily Dale Spiritualist Church, Church of the Living Spirit, Fellowships of the Spirit and City of Light Spiritualist Church. It is a beautiful way to begin our summer season program. Everyone is welcome, please bring your family and friends.

Thursday, July 3rd
Healing Temple
Lily Dale Assembly will celebrate the significant milestone of the 70th Anniversary of the Healing Temple, honoring the invaluable contributions of dedicated volunteers who have welcomed countless visitors since its opening on July 3, 1955, providing healing and support to those in need.

June 20TH
Butterfly Garden across from The Lily Café
$15.00 advance payment required
The Lily Dale Environmental Committee is hosting a Butterfly Release Ceremony following the opening day flag-raising. The life cycle of a butterfly serves as an analogy to our own existence. Butterflies are nurtured from cocoons to caterpillars, and finally, into butterflies to soar freely and widely in the sky. We will remember the souls of loved ones who came into this life in human form and were released during the change called death, to a greater life. They are still with us, to share our love, thoughts, and our prayers. Please join us for this sacred event! A pre-payment of $15.00 is required to ensure a butterfly is available for release. Please visit www.lilydaleassembly.org to purchase your butterfly Some butterflies may be available for sale on opening day. If you wish to join us and release a butterfly, a $15.00 advance payment reserves a butterfly for you. Though butterflies may be available for purchase on the day of the event, there is no guarantee, and you are strongly encouraged to reserve your butterfly in advance.
Pre-registration opens at 12 noon on Friday, June 20. Our butterflies will be awakened and released promptly at 12:30 pm. If you are not present for the12:30 release, a committee member will release the butterfly on your behalf. We urge you to arrive early and thank you for understanding if a butterfly must be released in your

Sunday, July 13
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm,
Lily Dale Grounds,
Take a stroll around Lily Dale and venture into the homes, reading rooms, and gardens of some of our Lily Dale residents. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes, since this is a walking tour. Stairs may be involved. We will meet at the Sacred Grounds Coffee House to join your Tour Guides. The Tour will begin at 6:00 pm (SHARP) and conclude at 8:00 pm or a little after. Space is limited, so pre-registration is highly recommended. Sold out in 2024!

Sunday, August 3
2:00pm – 4:30pm
Come Spend an Afternoon with Havivah Richards for Victorian Tea, with demonstrations of spoon bending, table tipping, tarot reading, and tea leaf reading (tasseography). You can experience a wonderful afternoon, of tea, treats and spirit demonstrations in a beautiful Victorian environment. Limited tickets available.
Reverend Havivah Richards lives in Lily Dale, NY and is the Pastor of the Lily Dale Spiritualist Church, NSAC. She is an Ordained Minister, Commissioned Healer, and Certified Medium. She is also the Lyceum Director for the NSAC and the Vice-President of the NSAC board. She is also a fifth generation Spiritualist.
She loves learning and teaching Spiritualism; she feels it is important to help everyone with Spiritualism and opening to their unlimited potential that they may have. She works with different forms of physical mediumship, such as Skotography, Table Tipping and Trumpet Mediumship. She is the Office Manager for the Lily Dale Assembly Camp.

Thursday, August 7
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Come and join John and the gifted Mediums of Lily Dale at the
historic Lily Dale auditorium for a spirited night of music and messages.
John will be performing and encouraging audience members to sing some of our favorite songs in order to lift the vibration and get you on your feet and then Lily Dale mediums will be giving platform messages to the audience.
This is the night Spirit has chosen for YOU.
Come out and have some fun!

Sunday, August 10
10:30am – 6:30pm
City of Light Spiritualist Church
Inspirational Speaker: Rev. Joanne Copley-Nigro
Medium: International Pet Psychic Deb Stanton
1:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. 15TH ANNUAL PET REMEMBRANCE CELEBRATION, Leolyn Woods, The Lily Dale Pet Cemetery, Love Donation
A memorial service to honor beloved pets that have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge and for the pets that rest in The Lily Dale Pet Cemetery. A short historic tour of the Pet Cemetery will be offered. Bring a photo, prayer, or loving thought of a pet to be remembered. Event will take place rain or shine.
6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. A SPECIAL PET HEALING OUTDOOR SERVICE, Pet Healing Gazebo (next to the Healing Temple)
Individuals are invited to bring their pet for a special pet healing. Join us for a short prayer and individual hands-on pet healing (Love Donation). Pets must be on a leash or in a pet carrier and be people/pet friendly. Be considerate of your pets comfort needs.

August 7-9, 2025
Check-in is 3-6pm August 7,
Sacred Grounds Coffee shop
This first annual celebration features two tracks: classic plein air painting and
“spirit art” painting in the Spiritualist seance tradition of Swedish artist Hilma af Klint. Feel free to tune in to our unique vibe and let your muse guide you. The maximum-25-artist Plein Air Track features awards by the Paint Lily Dale judge.
The maximum-25-artist open Spirit Art Track features a Festival Favorite award chosen by Paint Lily Dale Art Show & Sale visitors. Lily Dale features an old growth forest, lakes, Victorian architecture, flora and fauna, Spiritualist artifacts and sacred spaces in a small walkable village with lodging and food available. Artists may place four works created during Paint Lily Dale for sale on Saturday, August 9 at the Lyceum.
NOTE: the Lily Dale Shopping Pass allows no-gate-fee entry for 90 minutes with the purchase of an artwork.
Artworks must be removed by 8:00 am on Sunday, August 9, 2025. Shipping of artworks is not available.
Entry Deadline: after 25 artists are registered per track
Questions: PaintLilyDale@gmail.com

Friday, August 15
2:30 Auditorium Service, Held by Woman's Day Committee
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm LEGACY PROJECT- Voices from Lily Dale’s past and present, Auditorium,
Come and explore interactive exhibits and displays featuring notable people and places. Hear the firsthand stories of Lily Dale's families and cultural history. Be entertained by the humorous and touching tales of Lily Dale.
Sunday, August 17
12:15 pm MAE DAY PARADE –
presented by Lily Dale Woman’s Day Committee
Join in celebration of Mae West's birthday. Honoring her contributions to Lily Dale's history. You are welcome to dress up as Mae in her honor.

Thursday, August 14
6:30pm – 8:30pm,
Join us for fun and fundraising! Mini readings of all types such as astrology, tarot, mediumship, psychic, and more! Basket raffle, 50/50 chances and a photo op with Sir Tibbetts Wick, National Therapy Dog Superstar!.
$10 entry donation. Mini readings are $20 for 15 minutes.
Fundraising to benefit the Lily Dale Mediums League

Sept. 5-7, 2025
(All activities could be held in the Lyceum)
Dr. Susan Barnes and Gabriella Roberts-Cline
Take time for yourself through personal development, healing, and spiritual messages. A weekend designed for you to relax and connect with divine energy. Personal spiritual development will be emphasized. You will receive psychic and mediumship messages with an opportunity to receive spiritual healing and support. Learn about healing herbs, art, connecting with a loved one, sound, and movement. Classes are designed for your personal growth and psychic development. Come join us for a relaxing weekend of fun and friendship.
Friday Sept. 5
7:30 Opening Ceremony with Welcome & Introductions
Self-Care for the Body, Mind & Soul with Herbs, Sound, and Movement
Saturday Sept. 6
8-9am Breakfast (Coffee Shop)
9:15am Meditation
10:00-12:30n Class on Personal Spiritual Development
Techniques and exercises for developing a stronger personal relationship with the divine to foster intuitive understanding and psychic skills. Setting spiritual ideals, meditation techniques, intuitive development, and consciousness awareness are all part of developing a personal spiritual practice. This course is designed to help you on your spiritual path.
12:30-1:45 Lunch (Coffee Shop)
2:00-500pm Connecting with Loved Ones
We can connect with our loved ones through meditation and mediumship in the spirit world. Techniques for self-connection will be explored along with mediumship exercises to connect with the spirit realm. Demonstrations of different types of mediumship will be provided. We all have psychic skills and the ability to connect with the departed.
5:30-7pm Dinner (Location TBA)
7:30pm Tea and Tarot
Learn how to do tea leaf readings and receive a message from your cup. While sipping tea, you will explore life symbols from the Tarot Deck, which can be used as a tool for self-discovery and personal reflection.
Optional 9:30pm Photographing Orbs at the Stump and Fairy Trail
Sunday Sept. 7
8:30-9:30am Breakfast (Coffee Shop)
9:30-10 am meditation
10:30 Church Service (Church of the Living Spirit or Lily Dale Spiritualist Church)
10:30-12:30 Soul Drawing
Unlock your unconscious soul through spontaneous drawing. Discover spiritual and personal messages to guide you on life’s journey. No artistic skills are needed; everyone can create these spontaneous images. Learn how to draw and interpret symbols from your unconscious mind. Materials will be supplied.
12:30-1:45 Lunch (Coffee Shop)
2:00-4:00 Spiritual Healing and Sound Healing
Spiritual healing is part of the Spiritualist religion and an essential aspect of mediumship. You will be instructed in this technique and practice on each other. Spiritual healing will be enhanced with sound. Sound Healing is a powerful tool that combines different healing sounds to improve our well-being by creating a beautiful experience where all layers of our luminous energy field (body, mind, soul, spirit) are gently awakened.
4:00 Closing Prayer
Dr. Susan Barnes is a retired communication professor who has written 11 books, including Visual Spirituality and Unfolding Physical Mediumship. She is also a certificate holder from the Spiritualist Nation Union in speaking and demonstrating mediumship (CSNU). Susan has been trained in Life Coaching at the Edgar Cayce Center and attends their study groups regularly. Currently, she is in their speaker training program.
Gabriella Roberts-Cline is a reiki master who has studied crystal surgery. She is also an Access BARS practitioner who utilizes 32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly and efficiently release thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and emotions. Additionally, she practices sound healing. As a former social worker, Gabriella has trained in techniques to better balance the body, mind, and soul.